Dr. John Wittle

Dr. John K Wittle has spent 20 years in professional practice towards forward education of Functional healthcare methods.  He has advanced certifications in Clinical Nutrition (CNS, DACBN), Professional Applied Kinesiology (PAK), Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET), Active Release Technique (ART), and Functional Medicine.

His practice is focused on integrating the complex integration between physical, biochemical and emotional interactions. This includes the NEI (Neuro-Endocrine-Immune) Cascades, NEC (Neuro-Emotional Complex), and the Quantum concepts of the Triad of health.

Dr. Wittle has sat on several boards over his career, notably executive board positions on the ICAK-USA for 8 years and for 13+ years on the International College of Applied Kinesiology where he was President for 10 years, both non-profits dedicated to education.