Cervical and Lumbar disc protocols

OCTOBER 12-13, 2024



Seminar has the limited special room rate $149:

Limited room blocks are here:

Limited Guaranteed Rate!  Book your room for FMDS BANDY

Dr. John Bandy DC DIBAK has likely muscle tested more humans than anyone alive and will be doing extensive hands-on workshopping and training.

Per Dr. John Wittle (past ICAK President) – “These 2 common problems that many fail to fix were a practice builder from the start and are still used daily 25+ years later. Mastering these will virtually guarantee a successful career or enhance your abilities.”

Common Questions:  Last year he taught session 1 – Trauma, and session 3 Elite Sports Considerations.

This topic is technically Session 2.  None of the first 3 sessions matter in the order. If you want to see them you can rent at discount at https://akdoc.com/professional/

Caveat: Do not rent directly through VIMEO!  Once purchased, you will get a coupon that allows you to to get it on vimeo for free.  We can not refund a Vimeo purchase.

This current session is a must for most chiropractors.  I am positive it built many successful AK doctors careers as these structural things like disc are so common and so often not treated. AK courses fail here too.  (note: this seminar contains a LOT more than just discs as it will address diagnosing other items that might not be a disc).  If you do not have them, you will want Dr. Beardall’s very specific muscle testing books.  We have sourced them and will have on hand for you if you register interest soon.  Get the newest sets with no shipping!  This option will only be through the next month but will be more convenient to have at the seminar to take home.  Plan baggage size if flying in all the books combined is about 6 inches wide and larger than paper sheet and weighs accordingly.

Dr. Christopher Beardall, DC, l.AC.

All six of the Clinical Kinesiology Books (package deal), Including the Instruction Manual, and the five individual volumes: “The Low Back and Abdomen”, “The Pelvis and Thigh”, The TMJ, Hyoid and Other Cervical Muscles and Cranial Manipulation”, “The Muscles of the Upper Extremities, Shoulder, Forearm and Hand”, and “Muscles of the Lower Extremities, Calf and Foot.”

HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Definition of Applied Kinesiology: Kinesiology in common medical usage is “the study of muscles and muscular movement.” However, when coupled with the word applied, a whole new concept is envoked: the use of muscle testing to evaluate body function. That is, by manually testing various muscles, areas of dysfunction can be diagnosed. These areas can then be tested in relationship to therapeutic reflex points and acupuncture points to identify causal factors. Disease begins as an imbalance in the body on an energetic level. Weakness in a muscle is an energetic phenomenon which can be used to identify health problems before symptoms appear. Historical Development of Applied Kinesiology: Historically muscle testing was used to evaluate function, range of motion,

Cervical and Lumbar disc protocols – For Doctors (IN-PERSON)
Cervical and Lumbar disc protocols – For Students (IN-PERSON)
6 Books of Muscle Testing+Cervical and Lumbar disc protocols – For Doctors (IN-PERSON)
6 Books of Muscle Testing+Cervical and Lumbar disc protocols – For Students (IN-PERSON)
Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 12, 2024 9:00 am
  • End Date
    October 13, 2024 1:00 pm
  • Status

    Will include 3 months of video access following seminar. In-Person gets benefits of hands-on workshopping.

    Add-on: 12 Hours GA CE Credit

  • LIVE Stream

    Will include 3 months of video access following seminar. Will only have select access to work-shops.